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Company (if applicable)
Duplication -- CD duplication from an existing CD CD duplication from emailed files CD duplication from another source CD duplication with copy protection CD replication (stamping) DVD duplication DVD replication (stamping) Other Not applicable
If the source of data is not listed above, please specify here
Disc Printing -- No Printing Black Only Colour Printing - 1 colour Colour Printing - 2 colour Colour Printing - 3 colour Colour Printing - 4 colour Colour Printing - 5 colour Colour Printing - CMYK process Other Not applicable
Packaging -- Bulk-Packed Discs only CD Jewel Cases CD Jewel Cases for 2 discs CD Slimline Single Cases DVD Library Cases DVD Library Cases for 2 discs Clear Vinyl Pockets White Paper Pockets with Clear Window Mailing Cases Cardboard Sleeves (printed full colour) Other Not Applicable
Cover and Inlay Printing -- CD 1 page cover only CD 2 page cover only CD 4 page cover only CD 6 page cover only CD 8 page cover only CD 1 page cover and inlay CD 2 page cover and inlay CD 4 page cover and inlay DVD Slick wrap around DVD Slick wrap around double sided Other No printing for the case required
Turnaround time required
Delivery -- Deliver on Completion I will collect from North Sydney
Do you want us to phone you to discuss options after we have sent you our pricing? -- Please call to discuss No need to call
Any other details you think we should know, other quantities, other options, anything that you want to know to make your quotation complete.
How did you find us? (Optional) -- Existing Customer Referral from Friend or Colleague White Pages Yellow Pages Google Yahoo MSN Hot Frog Other Not Applicable
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