CD-ROM Services CD and DVD Printing

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  • What is the difference between Duplication and Replication?
  • Do your prices include tax?
  • Do recycle discs, cases, and video tapes
  • Why use CD-ROM Services for your production?
  • What is the best speed for burning CDs?
  • What is the best speed for burning DVDs?
  • Why is the cost so much more per disc for small quantities?
  • Can you transfer CDs or MiniDisc to MP3?
  • Can you transfer vinyl records to CD?
  • What is the difference between Mode 1 and Mode 2XA CD-ROMs?
  • What kind of CDs can you copy?
  • Can you record over existing data on a CD?
  • Why won't my player read recordable CDs when it has no trouble reading conventional CDs?
  • Can I have Macintosh and PC data on the same disc?
  • Can you remove background noise from an audio recording?
  • Why does my audio disc show a completely different title on my computer?
  • I can't get to CD ROM Services. Can I buy by mail order?
  • Can you duplicate commercial software or games?
  • How can I make my disc automatically run when it's inserted into a computer?
  • Why does my audio disc show a completely different title on my computer?

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